[VIDEO] Science Advice & COVID-19 – Global High Level Panel

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9th September 2020




INGSA Week of Dialogue:Global High Level Panel

INCLUDING: An introductory message from the Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette

COVID-19 has been an unprecedented test to the role and functionality of science advice and science diplomacy mechanisms around the world. The role of scientists, science advisors and diplomats has never before been placed under such intense scrutiny. It is vital that we ensure the lessons of the pandemic are learned so that more resilient, flexible and informed systems can emerge in its wake.

INGSA is proud to be able to convene a global panel of experts working at the science, society and policy interfaces for a high-level panel that will frame the discussion for the  Global Week of Dialogue. 

“What was done right and what has gone wrong in pandemic responses to date?”

The High-Level Panel will address some of the main challenges the global system of science and governance have faced, to begin the discussions that will be elaborated on in each of the Regional Discussion Panels taking place over the course of the week. Featuring:

  ♦ Prof Pearl Dykstra Deputy Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission
  ♦ Professor Yik-Ying Teo Dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore
  ♦ Prof Tolu Oni Urban Health Physician & Epidemiologist at the University of Cambridge & University of Cape Town
  ♦ Prof Miguel Nicolelis Duke School of Medicine Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience - Coordinator of the Scientific Task Force for Brazil's Northeastern States
  ♦ Sir Peter Gluckman (Moderator) Chair of INGSA and President-elect of the International Science Council (ISC)