Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Regulation, Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Foreign Affairs, Immigration, Police and Interior Affairs
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Leading Intervention and Decision made by: Presidence of Colombia, Ministry of Interior, Minstry of Foreing Affairs, Minstry of Heath.
Overview: Close the maritime, land and river borders crossings with the Republic of Panama, Republic of Ecuador, Republic of Peru and the Federative Republic of Brazil from 00:00 hours on March 17, 2020 until May 30, 2020.
Continue closing the land and river border crossings authorized with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, until May 30, 2020.
The measure is taken, taking into account that it has been detected that COVID-19 entered Colombia through the immigration of nationals and foreigners who were diagnosed as carriers of the aforementioned virus, and it is necessary to take measures to mitigate the spread and spread of the population in national territory
Full details here: http://www.regiones.gov.co/Inicio/assets/files/45.pdf
Other links: 1
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Advice of EXTERNAL expert advisor or advisory committee, Learning from other jurisdictions
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – government, International – government
Evidence/Justification: That as it is public knowledge, cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the national territory, according to the information provided by the health authorities headed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection;
That it has been detected that COVID-19 entered Colombia through the immigration of nationals and foreigners who were diagnosed as carriers of the aforementioned virus;
That on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) cataloged the outbreak of COVID-19 as a pandemic, through a statement issued by the Director of the WHO, urging States to take urgent and determined actions for the identification, confirmation, isolation and monitoring of possible confirmed cases, as well as the dissemination of preventive measures in order to result in the mitigation of contagion;