Type of Intervention: Regulation
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; Regulatory change
Level of Jurisdiction: Manitoba
Lead People/Agency: Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen issued the order.
Overview: The Manitoba government is allowing former registered nurses to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen has put forth an order under The Regulated Health Professions Act to allow the registrar of the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba to waive or modify the registration requirements for formerly registered nurses. This is intended to mitigate the additional strain of COVID-19 on the healthcare system.
Full details here: https://news.gov.mb.ca/news/index.html?item=47345&posted=2020-04-01
Type of Justification: Learning from other jurisdictions, Perception of an increased threat
Evidence/Justification: Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen announced the decision, and discussed how the government recognized the strain on the healthcare system due to COVID-19, and recognized a need to enhance the current healthcare workforce due. He discussed that the government of Manitoba has “seen what has happened in other jurisdictions when preparation is insufficient and that is why the Government of Manitoba is taking action to ensure that the healthcare system is ready.” He discussed that they were collaborating with colleges, including the college of registered nurses and labour unions, and that they all recognized the need to enhance the current system & workforce.
(this information was in the news conference video included in the primary link)