Type of Intervention: Executive Order
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Individual measures; Social and physical distancing measures; Gatherings, businesses, and services; Special populations; International travel measures
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Minister of Health
Overview: Health Minister announced that citizens that travel from foreign countries should spend their first 14 days at their home and isolate themselves from the rest of the family members. He announced this as the “14 Days Rule” and iterated that it should be adopted as a Rule. They should keep their physical contact minimum as much as possible and wear masks. He emphasized that old people especially the ones who have chronic diseases should stay at home. He stressed that people should pay attention to their hand hygiene. They should not travel if it is not necessary and they should avoid being in crowds.
Full details here: https://twitter.com/drfahrettinkoca/status/1237004964435812354
Type of Justification: Learning from other jurisdictions, Perception of an increased threat, As other jurisdictions have not taken timely measures, the threat spread globally. That`s why should take national measures
Source of Evidence or Justification: International – government
Evidence/Justification: Overview of the Health Minister`s announcement: Although Turkey closed its borders with Iran and ceased flights from China, the disease spread to Iran and Italy (to villages of Milan) via the passengers of a ship from Japan constituted a global threat, as these countries did not take necessary measures of quarantine on time. Now the virus spread throughout to Italy and many countries of Europe and now it is seen in 106 countries due to lack of timely measures especially in Europe. We witness an increased specifically in France and Germany. “The problem is global and the fight is national”. There is no confirmed case right now, but it is possible to have cases, yet we can prevent its spread via national and public efforts.