26 December 2020 – First doses of COVID-19 vaccine arrive

Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Health
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Health

Overview: The first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine arrive in Spain
Comirnaty, the vaccine against COVID-19 developed by BioNTech and Pfizerv that prevents the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 in people aged 16 and over, is the first vaccine with a marketing authorization in the European Union arriving to Spain.

Full details here: http://www.mscbs.gob.es/en/gabinete/notasPrensa.do?id=5184

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Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – government, International – government, EU