Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Research and development
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Health and the Spanish Agency for Medication and Health Products (Spanish acronym: AEMPS)
Overview: Spain is chosen again to produce a vaccine against COVID-19. The American biotechnology company Novavax announces that a Spanish biopharmaceutical group will carry out the industrial production of its vaccine in Spain.
The Ministry of Health, through the AEMPS, has continued to provide support and maintain contacts with manufacturers, including these companies, to stimulate Spanish manufacturing capacities and thus facilitate the dialogue of the different actors involved in the vaccine production.
Since the beginning of April, the AEMPS has explored results in the productive capacities of these factories, in which vaccine platforms they work, with what speeds, etc., in order to identify these manufacturers.
Full details here: https://www.mscbs.gob.es/gabinete/notasPrensa.do?id=5051
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group
Source of Evidence or Justification: National – academic, National – government, International – academic, International – other