Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Planning and strategy; Creation of or release of plans
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Health
Overview: Publication of strategy for diagnosis, monitoring and control in transition phase of COVID-19 pandemic
The Ministry of Health has published the strategy for diagnosis, monitoring and control in the transition of the COVID-19 pandemic, which establishes that PCR testing should primarily be aimed at the early detection of cases, prioritising its use over other strategies
Full details here: https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov-China/documentos/COVID19_Estrategia_vigilancia_y_control_e_indicadores.pdf
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Advice of EXTERNAL expert advisor or advisory committee
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – academic, National – government, International – academic, International – government, European Union