02 April 2020 – Various industries show ability to adapt productive capacity

This item is sourced from the CCCSL: CSH Covid-19 Control Strategies List co-ordinated by the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria. We are in the process of gathering further information and aligning taxonomies for these items.

Intervention Categories: Education and awareness; Legal and policy; New initiatives; Environmental measures; Planning and strategy; Creation of or release of plans
Level of Jurisdiction: National

Overview: For this purpose, the governmental areas of Health and Economy have created a catalog with technical guidelines for placing equipment on the market. This resource is now available online (covid19.min-saude.pt) and companies can register to produce material such as gloves, masks, swabs, gowns, among other equipment, with 100 companies currently enrolled, awaiting validation by the competent authorities
Full details here: https://www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/gc22/comunicacao/noticia?i=industria-nacional-tem-mostrado-disponibilidade-para-adaptar-a-sua-capacidade-produtiva