27 March 2020 – Guaranteed loans for medium to large businesses

Intervention Categories: Finance policy and financial aid; Stimulus packages and financial support
Level of Jurisdiction: National

Overview: The Dutch Government has increased funding for its Business Loan Guarantee or GO (Garantie Ondernemingsfinanciering) scheme from €200 million to €1.5 billion, allowing medium to large businesses to temporarily get bigger loans from lenders.

Businesses can now borrow up to €150 million from lenders, with the government guaranteeing loans of up to €75 million (previously businesses could only borrow up to €50 million with the government guaranteeing loans up to €25 million). The government will guarantee 80 percent of loans for large businesses and 90 percent for smaller businesses.

On 7 April 2020, the Dutch Government further increased funding for the GO scheme by €10 billion.
Full details here: https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stcrt-2020-18697.html