21 July 2020 – Lithuania and other countires of EU agree not to compete for Covid-19 vaccine

Type of Intervention: Other Announcement
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Planning and strategy; Creation of or release of plans; International relations
Level of Jurisdiction: Supranational
Lead People/Agency: The Ministry of Health

Overview: Lithuania is going to purchase vaccines in coordination with other ES member states. The countries of the European Union have agreed not to compete with each other for a vaccine against coronavirus infection (COVID-19 disease). A special cross-border working group has been set up to negotiate with potential producers, where Lithuania has also delegated its representative.While negotiations are underway with vaccine developers, the Lithuanian authorities are analyzing how many vaccines our country may need and how the state will be able to compensate for them.
Full details here: https://koronastop.lrv.lt/lt/naujienos/lietuva-vakcina-nuo-covid-19-planuoja-pirkti-kartu-su-kitomis-es-salimis

Type of Justification: No justification given