20 March 2020 – Established support payments for general practitioners

Level of Jurisdiction: National

Overview: The Irish Government agreed to provide support payments for general practitioners to ensure greater access to GP care during the COVID-19 crisis.In exchange, GPs agree not to charge patients for any consultation for diagnosis or treatment of COVID-19.

The agreement between the HSE and a representative organisation for GPs specifies fees the government will pay GPs for particular services. GPs will be paid for remote consultation with patients who may have contracted COVID-19, and for conducting respiratory consultations with at-risk people, regardless of the patient”s eligibility.

Other fees were agreed for patients with special eligibility for services, effectively ensuring universal access to GP care.

The agreement will remain in place for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency.
Full details here: https://www.hse.ie/eng/staff/pcrs/circulars/gp/gp-circular-05-2020-services-during-covid-19.pdf