14 April 2020 – Goverment fund provides banks with €85 million to support SMEs

Type of Intervention: Financial and Economic
Sectors Involved: Finance/Economy, Private Sector and Businesses
Intervention Categories: Finance policy and financial aid; Stimulus packages and financial support
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Bulgarian State Fund

Overview: Тhe government fund, set up to manage 600 million euros /BGN 1.2 billion/ under four EU-co-financed operational programs, has announced that it is providing banks with 85 million euros /BGN 170 million/ as guarantee to support small and medium-sized enterprises in a state of economic uncertainty.
Full details here: https://bnr.bg/en/post/101258573

Type of Justification: Easing financial burden on companies and raising the confidence of the banking system in supporting businesses