Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Advisory
Sectors Involved: Health, Local Government, Social Services
Intervention Categories: Social and physical distancing measures; Domestic travel
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Leading: Ministry of Health
Implmenting: Ministry of Security, health authorities, social services, State attorney general
Overview: Executive Decree that establishes provisions on quarantine and / or isolation measures that are ordered for people diagnosed as a suspected or positive case by CoVid-19.
Article 3 of Cabinet Resolution No. 10 of March 3, 2020, establishes that in the face of the very high threat of the spread of the new coronavirus outbreak, which exposes greater risks and damages to the safety, health and well-being of people , the health services, Ministry of Health (MINSA), Security and any other instance whose participation is required, are empowered, among others, to coordinate any security measure that contributes to the prevention and control of the spread of the disease and caused damages.
Therefore, any national or foreign person who is in the national territory, has the obligation to comply with the means indicated by the MINSA regarding quarantine or isolation, as the case may be.
Those indicated as a suspected case by the health authorities, have the obligation to stay at their home or in a place assigned by MINSA that allows greater control of observation and containment of the pandemic and respond to the health authorities when they verify the location of the patient, which must be in home/place isolation.
Positive people through a diagnostic test for CoVid-19, are ordered social isolation according to the protocol of care and must comply with staying at home separate from the rest of the family in the place determined by MINSA, signing an afidavit that forces he/she to remain in isolation and keep the confidentiality of the place where he/she finds, in case it is not his home.
Failure to comply with quarantine measures carries fines of up to US $ 100,000, according to the provisions of Law 40 of 2006, which measures Law 66 of 1947.
Full details here: http://www.minsa.gob.pa/sites/default/files/general/decreto_ejecutivo_504_de_23_de_marzo_de_2020.pdf
Other links: 1 2
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Scientific Evidence (e.g. academic paper, report)
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – government, International – government
Evidence/Justification: Quarantine and isolation slow down the speed of virus propagation, and although this does not eliminate the disease, at least we contribute a high percentage to its incidence being much slower and thus the response capacity of health systems can deal with cases.
In China, the country where this virus emerged, the government isolated a dozen cities and quarantined around 56 million people.
In many other countries, cities have been blocked, entry and exit transportation has been paralyzed, school years have been postponed, there is a break in work centers, activities with massive attendance such as concerts, sporting events or marches are postponed or prohibited, and isolation or quarantine is decreed.
The new coronavirus already affects more than 170 nations due to its rapid spread, which puts citizens and authorities on alert, for which they have taken innumerable measures in order to slow down the advance of this pandemic, classified as such by the World Organization of Health (WHO), the virus is spread mainly from person to person.
Between people who are in close contact (at a distance of up to about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets that are produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These droplets can end up in the mouth or nose of those who are nearby or possibly be inhaled and reach the lungs.
Some recent studies suggest that COVID-19 can be spread through people with no symptoms.