Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Foreign Affairs, Immigration
Intervention Categories: Planning and strategy; Creation of or release of plans; International relations
Level of Jurisdiction: Supranational
Lead People/Agency: Costa Rican and Nicaraguan health, security and foreign affairs autorities
Overview: Technical meeting with Nicaraguan authorities. Authorities from Costa Rica and Nicaragua held a technical meeting to reinforce prevention and health surveillance measures at the border crossing. The delegations were headed by their respective Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Health, Security, in addition to the leaders of the entities in charge of emergency and migration care.
Full details here: https://www.presidencia.go.cr/comunicados/2020/03/costa-rica-y-nicaragua-realizan-reunion-para-analizar-acciones-contra-el-coronavirus-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0ln7MvETJM1pnaXeViOITiwlJz56oPhvM7Bj2eKSosyWCJG-ln4ZoZKF8
Type of Justification: No justification given
Evidence/Justification: Control of cross-border transmission