28 February 2020 – Introduced emergency childcare services to help parents cope with school closures

Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; New initiatives
Level of Jurisdiction: National

Overview: The Ministry of Education announced it would offer emergency childcare services to nursery, kindergarten, and elementary school-age children between 2 March and 6 March, until 17:00 for each day.

The Ministry of Education additionally announced it would provide hosting sites operating instructions of emergency childcare services, that included proper disinfection, communication, and health protocol, including twice daily fever checks of staff and students.
Full details here: https://www.moe.go.kr/boardCnts/view.do?boardID=294&boardSeq=79889&lev=0&searchType=null&statusYN=W&page=7&s=moe&m=020402&opType=N