Type of Intervention: Advisory
Sectors Involved: Local Government
Intervention Categories: Individual measures
Level of Jurisdiction: Regional
Lead People/Agency: It was the director of the deputy cabinet of the governor of the province of Ecuador, Fabrice Ikobia Longe, who sensitized the community of the territory of Ingende during an official mission which he carried out in this region located 180 km from the town of Mbandaka.
Overview: The population of the territory of Ingende called to appropriate the fight against the Covid-19
Full details here: https://acpcongo.com/index.php/2020/05/30/la-population-du-territoire-dingende-appelee-a-sapproprier-la-lutte-contre-la-pandemie-du-covid-19/
Type of Justification: Public Opinion (e.g. consultations, opinion polling), Perception of an increased threat