Type of Intervention: Advisory, Other Announcement
Sectors Involved: Executive Office, Foreign Affairs, Health
Intervention Categories: Planning and strategy; International relations
Level of Jurisdiction: Supranational
Lead People/Agency: National Government and Presidential Commission for the Prevention and Care of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Overview: Government activates mechanisms with other nations to combat the COVID-19 pandemic
The President of the Republic ordered that dynamic and practical contacts be established with governments such as Germany and South Korea, in order to share knowledge regarding the treatments used against Coronavirus.
Full details here: http://vicepresidencia.gob.ve/gobierno-activa-mecanismos-con-otras-naciones-para-combatir-pandemia-del-covid-19/
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Learning from other jurisdictions, Scientific Evidence (e.g. academic paper, report)
Source of Evidence or Justification: National – academic, National – government, International – other