Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Regulation, Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Executive Office
Intervention Categories: Social and physical distancing measures; Gatherings, businesses, and services
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Presidency of the Republic
Overview: Government of Venezuela suspends public events to protect the people from the Coronavirus
The head of state, Nicolás Maduro, reported that public events and crowds involving community physical contact were suspended, until further notice, as a way of preventing and protecting the Venezuelan people against the spread of the Covid-19
Full details here: http://vicepresidencia.gob.ve/gobierno-de-venezuela-suspende-eventos-publicos-para-proteger-al-pueblo-del-coronavirus/
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Learning from other jurisdictions, Scientific Evidence (e.g. academic paper, report)
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – government
Evidence/Justification: WHO recommendations