19 March 2020 – Provision of $10,000 for new social initiatives

Type of Intervention: Financial and Economic
Sectors Involved: Health, Social Services
Intervention Categories: Finance policy and financial aid; Aid distributed to community groups; Non-governmental interventions; Individual responses
Level of Jurisdiction: Prince Edward Island
Lead People/Agency: Province of PEI, Health PEI

Overview: Premier Dennis King announced a provision of $10,000 to support the Community Foundation of PEI to provide computer tablets to Island seniors in long-term and community care facilities, allowing them to stay connected with friends and family. Health PEI is asking that any retired or otherwise qualified health care staff interested in assisting during COVID-19 to contact their unit.
Full details here: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/news/new-social-initiatives-announced-will-continue-support-islanders

Type of Justification: No justification given