Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Regulation
Sectors Involved: Private Sector and Businesses
Intervention Categories: Social and physical distancing measures; Reopening offices, businesses, institutions, and operations; Planning and strategy; Creation of or release of plans
Level of Jurisdiction: Alberta
Lead People/Agency: Chief Medical Officer of Health
Overview: Order 25-2020 – This intervention removes previous restrictions on attending certain locations and engaging in certain activities as part of the Stage 2 Re-launch. However, operators of indoor children play centres, nightclubs and amusement parks are to remain closed to the public. Operators of any other business, school, or place of worship must comply with Alberta Health Guidance and implement practices to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission among attendees and employees. Operators must also implement protocols that allow for rapid response when a person attending or working at the location develops symptoms of COVID-19. Lastly, operators must ensure that attendees and/or employees of the location maintain high levels of sanitation and personal hygiene. Concurrently, the following Chief Medical Officer of Health Orders are rescinded: 01-2020, 02-2020, 07-2020, 15-2020, 16-2020. 17-2020, 18-2020, 19-2020, 20-2020 and 24-2020.
Full details here: https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/4f3b33f3-4c18-4ac2-ba59-61b0afdde2af/resource/df6b81ef-b7fa-49be-9169-b3c6b81e61c0/download/health-cmoh-record-of-decision-cmoh-25-2020.pdf
Type of Justification: Perception of ability to mitigate risk
Evidence/Justification: The Chief Medical Officer of Health determined that certain activities are possible for Albertans to be engaged in with limited risk of COVID-19 transmission when persons adhere to public health guidance and measures.