11 March 2020 – Various schools closed to stop spread of coronavirus

This item is sourced from the CCCSL: CSH Covid-19 Control Strategies List co-ordinated by the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria. We are in the process of gathering further information and aligning taxonomies for these items.

Intervention Categories: Surveillance and response measures; Detecting and isolating cases; Tracing and quarantining contacts; Social and physical distancing measures; Adapting or closing schools
Level of Jurisdiction: National

Overview: One school closed for 2 weeks. Fran Albrecht Elementary School in Kamnik was closed for two weeks to prevent the virus from spreading from a positive teacher.
Full details here: https://www.rtvslo.si/zdravje/novi-koronavirus/okuzena-tudi-uciteljica-na-osnovni-soli-smarje-pri-jelsah-kjer-do-ponedeljka-pouka-ne-bo/516820