01 May 2020 – Announced framework to assess large companies for additional financial support

Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; New initiatives; Finance policy and financial aid; Stimulus packages and financial support
Level of Jurisdiction: National

Overview: The Dutch Government has established an assessment framework to help determine whether additional financial support should be provided to large companies greatly impacted by COVID-19 measures.

The aim is to allow a case-by-case assessment of individual companies who are facing financial difficulties and unable to be supported by existing economic relief measures, as to whether or not additional support should be granted to them. Support will be based on a strict criteria, including the need for companies to have strategic economic or social importance.
Full details here: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-covid-19/nieuws/2020/05/01/kaders-voor-steun-aan-grote-maatschappelijk-belangrijke-bedrijven