Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Immigration, Tourism, Transportation
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases
Overview: Travel ban from Montenegro to the most affected areas and countries by the novel coronavirus, which currently includes:
1) Italy;
2) Spain;
3) South Korea;
4) Iran and
5) China – Hubei province.
The list of countries where travel is prohibited is not conclusive and will change, as the epidemiological situation changes.
Civil servants and state employees employed in state authorities, state administration authorities, administrative authorities, and officials and state employees employed by local self-government authorities are prohibited from traveling abroad.
Civil servants and state employees may make exceptional trips abroad, when traveling is of state interest, with the prior consent obtained from the head of authority.
Prohibition for foreign nationals coming from countries affected by epidemic of contagious disease caused by the novel coronavirus namely:
1) Italy;
2) Spain;
3) South Korea;
4) Iran and
5) China – Hubei province to enter Montenegro.
The list of countries temporarily prohibited from coming is not conclusive and will change in line with the epidemiological situation.
Citizens of Montenegro who happened to be in transit and who are returnees from Italy, Spain, South Korea, Iran, and China – Hubei province shall be placed in home isolation under the active supervision and movement restriction, which includes accommodation in the family facility with monitoring of the health conditions, carried out by competent epidemiological service for a period of 14 days.
Competent epidemiological service will monitor the health conditions of all household members.
Non-compliance with this measure is subject to legal liability.
Arrangement of all pupils and student tours, excursions, educational meetings, etc. abroad is prohibited, in order to prevent the infection with novel coronavirus, introduction of the contagious disease in Montenegro and spread to other countries.
The prohibition in paragraph 1 is temporary, while there is a risk of infection with the novel coronavirus.
Ban on the sports events maintenance with the presence of the audience.
Conducting of national and international sporting events will be held without the presence of the audience.
Teams from the most affected areas are prohibited from eventual arriving until further notice.
Tightened border controls will be carried over passengers in international traffic arriving from countries with detected cases, without the widely established local COVID-19 transmission.
The Property Administration and the competent services of local self-government units are in charge to procure, on the urgent basis, additional quantities of hygiene products, means for the disinfection of hands, work space and equipment for the needs of state authorities, state administration bodies, administrative authorities and the local self-government.
Procurement should be carried out in line with the recommendations of the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro.
Full details here: http://www.katalogpropisa.me/azuriranje-od-14-03-2020-3/
Other links: 1
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Learning from other jurisdictions, Scientific Evidence (e.g. academic paper, report)
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, International – academic, International – government
Evidence/Justification: Institute of Public Health advised the Government of Montenegro to implement the measure in order to prevent import of Covid-19 in the country.