12 March 2020 – Parents allowed to take paid leave for family reasons

Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Financial and Economic
Sectors Involved: Finance/Economy, Social Services
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Luxembourg Government

Overview: Paid leave for family reasons has also been granted to working parents who are unable to access additional child-care support at this time. This leave will remain in place until schools and child-care facilities have reopened.

To qualify for this leave, parents must be affiliated with the Luxembourg social security scheme (including non-residents); have children under 13 years of age, or children with disabilities aged 13-18; have no other option for child-care but to take care of the children themselves. When claiming this leave, employees working in the private sector will receive 100 percent of their salary.
Full details here: https://gouvernement.lu/en/actualites/toutes_actualites/communiques/2020/03-mars/12-cdg-extraordinaire-coronavirus.html

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Type of Justification: No justification given