Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: International travel measures
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Health
Overview: Lithuanian airports and airlines requested to let employees of the National Public Health Centre enter airplanes arriving from Northern Italy in order to inspect passengers (including conducting temperature assessments) and provide them with health recommendation information. Recent returnees from China or northern Italy (Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna) are advised to stay at home and monitor their health for 14 days from the last day of their stay in these countries. Returnees are informed to immediately call the general emergency number 112 if experiencing flu-like symptoms after 14 days.
Full details here: http://sam.lrv.lt/lt/naujienos/sam-del-bendradarbiavimo-kreipesi-i-salies-oro-uostus
Other links: 1
Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat to the country due to rising cases in Europe
Source of Evidence or Justification: National – government, International – other
Evidence/Justification: Response to the rapid growth of new coronavirus cases documented in Europe by the the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).