This item is sourced from the CCCSL: CSH Covid-19 Control Strategies List co-ordinated by the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria. We are in the process of gathering further information and aligning taxonomies for these items.
Intervention Categories: Planning and strategy; Creating and using advisory groups or committees; Surveillance and response measures; Tracing and quarantining contacts; Education and awareness; Environmental measures; Individual measures
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Overview: At the meeting held at the Ministry of Health with other institutions, the Minister of Health today decided to establish the Steering Committee for the management of the emergency situation with COVID-19. The Committee for monitoring contagious diseases has implemented measures to monitor and prevent the risk of spreading Covid-19. This includes: continuing the implementation of basic national principles of reaction to the case monitoring system, depisting and detection of suspicious cases, as well as the escort of disease dynamics, laboratory confirmation of reported cases, activating teams for epidemic research, IKSHPK teams and Family Medicine Centers are carefully following the epidemiological situation with Coronavirus at the ground points and the international airport “Adem Jashari”, activities recommended by the Committee for monitoring contagious diseases have continued with measures to prevent the virus in Kosovo’s educational institutions consisting of distribution of education and health promotion materials, posters and leaflets, organization of lectures dedicated to knowledge of Covid-19, organized by teachers and professors with support of the public health specialists, the company of steps, according to the recommendation of IKSHPK that all school institutions, the added disinfection of all surfaces and sanitary nodes. The exchange of interinstitutional information between the Ministry of Health, IKSHPK, Situation Center, Emergency Management Agency, SKK, AUV, MFMFMF, Kosovo Police, KSF, MAST is taking place. IKSHPK, points out that there is no room for panic, but gave recommendations: avoid close contacts with people suffering from acute breathing infections, avoid greeting with a handshake, avoid hugs and kisses as long as you are in danger of respiratory infections, wash your hands often, especially after direct contact with sick people or after being in their space, wash your hands as soon as you enter the house, wash your hands before starting food preparation, after using the toilet, wash your hands as often as possible with water and soap for 20-30 seconds, especially after direct contact with sick people or in their location, avoid the use of public toilets, wash your hands every time you cough, avoid touching your face and cover your mouth and nose with a sleeve or your forearm while coughing. If you have fever, cough and breathing difficulties ask for medical assistance immediately and let them know your history of travel abroad. Sick people should stay at home in order to prevent the spread of the disease, do not frequent closed and overloaded premises with people, drink much water, juice, and lemon tea, elderly and people with chronic diseases should use masks if they use public transport, during travel use packed foods, people who have been in the province of Wuhan, China, Lombardi areas, Italy, or areas affected by COVID-19 within the last 2 weeks and have fever, cough or breathing difficulties should immediately ask for medical help, and people should not travel to China or areas / states with coronavirus, if it is not imperative.
Full details here: