This item is sourced from the CCCSL: CSH Covid-19 Control Strategies List co-ordinated by the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria. We are in the process of gathering further information and aligning taxonomies for these items.
Intervention Categories: Planning and strategy; Listening to scientists or health/other experts; Surveillance and response measures; Detecting and isolating cases; Tracing and quarantining contacts
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Overview: National Institute of Public Health teams and Family Medicine Centers are carefully following the epidemiological situation with coronavirus at ground points and the international airport “Adem Jashari”. Given the epidemiological situation in recent days, a great influx of travellers returned from places of infection. The arrival of travelers from epidemic areas of Northern Italy and other countries with registered cases is considered high risk. First, there is a possibility of temporarily stopping flights from epidemic areas. But if this cannot be done for other non-epidemiological causes, then along with the Sanitary Chief Inspector of the AUV, increased medical control to prevent contagious diseases will be implemented. On the occasion of the arrival of passengers from such flights in the airport, their health should be checked and according to this, should be recommended for self-quarantine. All passengers should give accurate data on their residence in Kosovo under oath, as well as their profession. This procedure will be conducted by the medical team and for any difficulty, support and assistance at the airport by the Kosovo Police will be provided. Airport police can help to get the details of any traveller who disbarks at the airport with a suspicion of being affected by the disease or has been in close contact so that they can self-quarantine. They should have their exact addresses so the police can check implementation of this procedure.
Full details here: