Type of Intervention: Executive Order
Sectors Involved: Education, Foreign Affairs, Health, Immigration, Military, Social Services
Intervention Categories: Social and physical distancing measures; Adapting or closing offices, businesses, institutions, and operations; Gatherings, businesses, and services; Special populations; Domestic travel; International travel measures
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Government in cooperation with the President of the Republic of Finland
Overview: Declaration of the state of emergency in Finland over coronavirus outbreak. Mitigation measures introduced by the government, including school and university closure, restrictions on public gatherings, closure of museums, theatres, swimming pools, etc., among others
Full details here: https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/artikkeli/-/asset_publisher/10616/hallitus-totesi-suomen-olevan-poikkeusoloissa-koronavirustilanteen-vuoksi
Type of Justification: The aim of the measures is to protect the population and to safeguard the functioning of society and the economy.