Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Biological measures; Education and awareness
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Health (nd implementing)
Private Hospitals and Clinics (implementing)
Overview: Vaccination by influeza campaign began.
More than a million influenza vaccines arrived in the country this week to be applied to the population in a phased manner, according to the strategy of health entities to avoid crowds during the quarantine established by Covid-19.
The application of the vaccine dose began this Wednesday, April 15, and the health personnel of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the Social Security Fund (CSS) were placed in the first instance, as well as the security and police.
Vaccination was carried out under strict biosecurity controls, to ensure compliance with non-crowding and to prevent the spread of the virus.
On the second phase of the process, Starting April 17, doses of influenza vaccines will be applied to older adults in nursing homes and homes (elder) nationwide.
The influenza vaccine will be applied prioritizing the population of vulnerable groups that are, children under the age of five, adults over the age of 60, patients with chronic diseases, pregnant women, workers of poultry farms and the captive indigenous population of the country sides areas.
Full details here: http://www.minsa.gob.pa/destacado/coronavirus-covid-19
Other links: 1
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Advice of EXTERNAL expert advisor or advisory committee
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – academic, International – academic
Evidence/Justification: Our country was one of the first in the Americas region to achieve eradication of measles in 1995; since 1999 we have not had congenital rubella syndrome, nor rubella since 2002; We have also been able to control Haemophilus influenzae and neonatal tetanus meningitis since 2004. Good vaccination coverage produces protection, not only for those who have been vaccinated, but can also produce what we call “herd protection”, since it prevents entry of the disease into a population group, even the unvaccinated are protected.
For this reason, it is important to achieve maximum vaccination coverage in the population.
The Immunization Program went from being a vertical program, centered on the child and the mother, to being a horizontal program, focused on the family, including the worker, the elderly and people with disabilities. Our vision is to achieve a country free from immuno-preventable diseases, offering all children and men and women equal access to vaccination services.
Vaccines in Panama are purchased through the Pan American Health Organization, so they are safe substances that have passed strict studies by the World Health Organization. In addition, its effectiveness and conservation are guaranteed thanks to the cold chain in its transfer to the country.