13 March 2020 – Government issues decree to curb the spread of COVID-19

Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Education, Executive Office, Health, Local Government, Private Sector and Businesses, Police and Interior Affairs, Transportation
Intervention Categories: Social and physical distancing measures; Gatherings, businesses, and services; International travel measures
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Health (MINSA)
Implementing agencies:
Ministry of Commerce
Maritime Authoritie
National Council for Private Sector (CONEP)
Authority for consumer protection and defense of competition (ACODECO)
Local al regional health authorities
Ministry of Security-National Police

Overview: Executive Decree that intensifies sanitary measures due to the declaration of a pandemic of Coronavirus disease by the WHO.

It obliges compliance with more restrictive sanitary measures contained in the International Sanitary Regulation (RSI-2005), constituted as a binding international instrument with respect to measures to prevent the international transmission of diseases.
By legal provision on public health, all natural or legal persons and public or private, national or foreign entities existing in the territory are obliged to comply with the provisions established in this decree.

suspend events and all kinds of activities that involve crowds of people throughout the national territory (except social and sports events with up to 50 people. Sports events should be done behind closed doors and with the authorization of the Ministry of Health / MINSA).
Temporarily suspend embarkation and disembarkation of any type of maritime vessel in ports, berths, anchorage areas and marinas in the national territory comming from risk areas.
For port operations, related to commercial ships, only personnel with essential functions will be allowed on board, in compliance with al sanitary measures. In the case of disembark it will be conditioned by health authorities with all the biosecurity norms and if so tha *Sick List* must be provided.

Any national or foreign person, residents or non-residents who receive instructions from the health authority to undergo the mandatory quarantine period, must remain at their home or where indicated for a period of 14 days and must allow home visits by health authorities that may be accompanied by security authorities. Failure to comply with the quarantine will carry administrative sanctions, regardless of any other penal or civil implications.

The suspension of all official visits and international missions to and from the national territory is ordered, except those of a sanitary or national security nature.
Private companies and government agencies are urged to prioritize teleworking, implement online paperwork platforms and maintain all sanitary and social distancing measures.

Full details here: http://www.minsa.gob.pa/sites/default/files/publicacion-general/decreto_ejecutivo_472.pdf

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Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Advice of EXTERNAL expert advisor or advisory committee, Scientific Evidence (e.g. academic paper, report), Perception of an increased threat
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – academic, International – academic, National Advisory Committee
Evidence/Justification: The confirmation of positive cases by CoVid-19, which to date in Panama has claimed the life of one person and has affected at least 36 people according to the Ministry of Health.

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