12 August 2020 – All scheduled international flight cancelled until end of September

Type of Intervention: Advisory, Executive Order, Guidance
Sectors Involved: Foreign Affairs, Immigration, Tourism
Intervention Categories: International travel measures; Non-governmental interventions; Businesses
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: The lead person is Fiji’s Attorney General, Hon. Aiyaz Saiyad Khaiyum. He is also leading the implementation of the intervention.

Overview: This is an announcement of Fiji Airways extending the cancellation of scheduled international flights to the end of September, 2020. The target audience are mainly the immigration department and tourists who are interested to visit Fiji. The intended effect was to ensure that hotel workers start returning to work and Fiji Airways can start hiring its process and getting flight attendants and other crew members to work.

Full details here: https://www.fijivillage.com/news/Fiji-Airways-extends-the-cancellation-of-scheduled-international-flight-to-Sept-54f8rx/

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Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Advice of EXTERNAL expert advisor or advisory committee
Source of Evidence or Justification: National – government, International – government
Evidence/Justification: The Bula Bubble is the intiative agreed by Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. Due to COVID 19, travel restriction has to be shifted to September.