Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Regulation, Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Executive Office
Intervention Categories: New initiatives; Creation of or release of plans; Listening to scientists or health/other experts
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Prime Minister
Overview: The Prime Minister has issued decree 16 suggesting application of social distancing strategy nationwide, at the request of President Nguyễn Phú Trọng. According the decree, all families, villages, communes, districts and provinces are requested to stay where they are with limited travels unless really necessary. The decree is made on the basis of professionals and increasing infected cases found everyday. The aim of the decree is to strengthen previous solutions to the spread of the COVID-19 in the country.
Full details here: http://baochinhphu.vn/Chi-dao-quyet-dinh-cua-Chinh-phu-Thu-tuong-Chinh-phu/Thu-tuong-chi-thi-Cach-ly-toan-xa-hoi-tu-0-gio-14-tren-pham-vi-toan-quoc/391483.vgp
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group
Source of Evidence or Justification: National – government