11 May 2020 – Constitutional Council indicate support for Election Commission work in difficult times

Type of Intervention: Constitutional Council of Sri Lanka
Sectors Involved: Elections
Intervention Categories: Planning and strategy
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Constitutional Council of Sri Lanka, Commissioners of the independent commissions

Overview: The progress achieved by the Election Commission, Human Rights Commission, Public Service Commission and Finance Commission was discussed. The role carried out by the Elections Commission in fulfilling its responsibilities in the face of difficult conditions (including COVID-19) and expressed full confidence in it.
Full details here: https://news.lk/news/political-current-affairs/item/30120-the-constitutional-council-display-credence-upon-the-role-of-the-election-commission

Type of Justification: No justification given
Evidence/Justification: The holding of parliamentary elections during the epidmic has been a controversial political issue – The support of the Constitutional Council intended to show faith in the Electoral Commission’s work