19 March 2020 – Recommendation to cancel/postpone all non-urgent international travel

This item is sourced from the CCCSL: CSH Covid-19 Control Strategies List co-ordinated by the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria. We are in the process of gathering further information and aligning taxonomies for these items.

Intervention Categories: Social and physical distancing measures; Special populations; International travel measures
Level of Jurisdiction: National

Overview: Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all non-urgent international travel plans be canceled or postponed. Persons who are unable to avoid traveling for a critical reason are advised to refrain from visiting any enclosed facilities or healthcare facilities.
Full details here: https://www.cdc.go.kr/board/board.es?mid=a30402000000&bid=0030&act=view&list_no=366592&tag=&nPage=3