Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Civil Defence, Health
Intervention Categories: Inndividual measures; Legal and policy; Enforcement actions
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: The ministry of public health made the decision. This decision should be implemented by everyone in the society, especially those coming from abroad or have been instructed by the medical teams to quarantine for 4 days.The mask should be worn by everyone and should avoid any gatherings. This statement also asks the help of the municipalities in the implementation of these decisions.
Overview: Statement on the need to strictly comply with home-quarantine and wear face masks.
Full details here: https://www.moph.gov.lb/en/Media#/en/Media/view/32340/statement-home-quarantine-wear-face-masks-
Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat
Evidence/Justification: Because of the increase in the number of COVID-19 positive cases especially in Lebanese people coming from outside Lebanon where they spread the virus to other local people in Lebanon.