Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Finance policy and financial aid; Financial aid to health services
Level of Jurisdiction: State
Lead People/Agency: The Republican Emergency Centre.
Overview: Day patient facilities deployed in all districts of Bishkek. Day patient facilities in Bishkek will work in four districts of the capital and serve up to 700 people per hour.The facilities are intended for treatment of mild and moderate forms of acute respiratory viral infections and pneumonia. Patients can get intravenous infusions there.
Full details here: https://24.kg/obschestvo/158323_koronavirus_vkyirgyizstane_kak_vbishkeke_gotovyat_kzapusku_dnevnyie_statsionaryi/
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group