23 January 2020 – Public urged to avoid visiting Wuhan

Type of Intervention: Advisory
Sectors Involved: Health, Immigration, Tourism
Level of Jurisdiction: Special Administrative Region
Lead People/Agency: The Steering Committee formed under the Serious Response Level of the Preparedness and Response Plan for Novel Infectious Disease of Public Health Significance

Overview: Third Steering Committee meeting in accordance with the Serious Response Level under the Preparedness and Response Plan convened: members of the public were urged to avoid visiting Wuhan; members of the public visiting crowded areas were advised to wear masks to protect oneself and other people
Full details here: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202001/23/P2020012300970.htm

Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Perception of an increased threat
Evidence/Justification: Two confirmed imported cases of novel coronavirus infection in Hong Kong