Type of Intervention: New Tool / Service / Body, Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Executive Office
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Office of the President
Overview: Adoption of Guidelines at COVID-19 Prevention Central Committee Meeting
After listening to the opening remarks of the committee’s Chairperson Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the secretaries and members of the central committee discussed prevention, control and treatment plans of relevant committees in relation to overseas trips of civil service staff, awareness programmes in ethnic languages, information to Myanmar nationals abroad through Myanmar missions in foreign countries and raising a fund for prevention and treatments.
They also discussed release of instructions and announcements on religious events, local pagoda festivals, broadcasting religious courses on televisions and Internet pages and TV programmes for meditation courses.
The committee has arranged for entertainment programmes at homes during the Thingyan Festival, online summer training courses for teachers by using information and communication technologies (ICT), disseminating knowledge on the reasons of quarantine, the convenience of quarantined persons and family visits to prisoners and the elderly persons at homes for the aged.
The attendees also discussed possible impacts on the business sector, finding new markets for agricultural produce, reduction of interest rates, providing support to SMEs in the most vulnerable areas and overcoming obstacles for setting up industrial zones.
Full details here: https://www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com/state-counsellor-adopts-guidelines-at-covid-19-prevention-central-committee-meeting/
Type of Justification: No justification given