13 March 2020 – First confirmed case in Gabon – Reitteration of social distancing rules

Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Education, Foreign Affairs, Tourism, Sport
Level of Jurisdiction: national
Lead People/Agency: Interior ministry

Overview: – suspension of tousitic visas from Covid-19 endemic areas
– closing of nurseries, schools, universities unitl the 30 march 2020
– closing of bars and nightclubs
– ban on assembling more than 50 persons
– suspension of athletic and cultural events
– holding all international sporting events behind closed doors
Full details here: https://www.agpgabon.ga/assets/ckfinder/core/connector/php/uploads/files/Renforcement%20des%20mesures%20prises%20pour%20lutter%20contre%20le%20Covid-19_13032020.pdf

Type of Justification: No justification given