28 July 2020 – Advice to setup COVID-19 select committee within the Congolese Football Association

Type of Intervention: Advisory
Sectors Involved: Social Services, Sports
Intervention Categories: Planning and strategy; Creating and using advisory groups or committees
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Constant Omari Selemani, president of the Congolese Football Association (FECOFA) led a delegation to Professor Muyembe, president of the COVID-19 response commission. The latter recommended that they set up a Covid-19 team within the federation before the resumption of activities. And that players can be tested every two weeks with members of the staff.

Overview: Pr Muyembe recommends setting up a Covid-19 team within FECOFA before the championships resume
Full details here: https://www.radiookapi.net/2020/07/29/actualite/sport/dr-muyembe-recommande-la-mise-en-place-dune-equipe-covid-19-au-sein-de-la

Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat