Type of Intervention: Guidance
Sectors Involved: Local Government
Intervention Categories: Education and awareness
Level of Jurisdiction: City (Kasumbalesa)
Lead People/Agency: The post chief of the National Border Hygiene Program in Kasumbalesa on the Congolese-Zambian border, Dr. Nono Butundu, urged the population of this locality to take action to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
Overview: Kasumbalesa population urged to take action against spread of coronavirus
Full details here: https://acpcongo.com/index.php/2020/05/19/haut-katanga-la-population-de-kasumbalesa-exhortee-a-sapproprier-les-mesures-contre-la-propagation-du-coronavirus/
Type of Justification: Public Opinion (e.g. consultations, opinion polling)