Type of Intervention: Financial and Economic, Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Social Services, Finance/Economy
Intervention Categories: Finance policy and financial aid; Stimulus packages and financial support
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Led by Minister of Labor, Néné ILUNGA, on behalf of the CNCC; implementation led by coordinator of the National Solidarity Fund against Covid-19 (FNSCC), Reverend Dominique Mukanya, and Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, president of the advisory board of this fund.
Overview: The National Social Security Fund presented a check for one million dollars to the FNSCC for the fight against COVID-19 in the DRC
Full details here: https://www.radiookapi.net/2020/05/18/actualite/societe/lutte-contre-la-covid-19-la-cnss-remet-un-cheque-dun-million-de-dollars
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group