Type of Intervention: Advisory, New Tool / Service / Body, Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Private Sector and Businesses, Social Services
Intervention Categories: Non-governmental interventions; Charity and religious groups
Level of Jurisdiction: Regional
Lead People/Agency: Project funded by the Swedish Embassy in the DRC, with the support of the NGO “Diakonia”. Planned activities: awareness-raising and distribution of equipment and tools for the prevention of COVI-19 (handwash basin fitted with 120-liter drums to be placed in public places); hydro-alcoholic gels, food and agricultural inputs to distribute to vulnerable families.
Overview: CONAFED launches COVID-19 project in Maluku
Full details here: https://acpcongo.com/index.php/2020/06/12/le-conafed-lance-le-projet-de-lutte-contre-le-covid-19-a-maluku/
Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat