Type of Intervention: Advisory
Sectors Involved: Military, Police
Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; Enforcement actions
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: The minister of security
Overview: Health site facilities in accordance with the COVID19 response plan for strengthening care and testing capacities have started to be built in the various sites chosen by the authorities in consultation with the mayors of the various districts of Abidjan. A voluntary testing center has been built in the popular district of Yopougon. The residents revolted and dismantled the system in Yopougon. For them there is no question of putting this site on their territory. According to them the site will contaminate them. The police and the gendarmerie repelled the rebel populations. The explanations given later by the authorities speak of a voluntary testing center and not of patient care. The populations despite the explanations refuse the installation. People have been arrested. The State of Côte d’Ivoire, through the ministry in charge of internal security, decided to crack down and bring the offenders to justice.
Full details here: https://aip.ci/cote-divoire-aip-le-ministre-de-la-securite-condamne-le-saccage-dun-site-de-depistage-du-covid-19-a-yopougon/
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Type of Justification: The behavior of local residents