Type of Intervention: Regulation
Sectors Involved: Civil Defence
Intervention Categories: International travel measures; Reviews
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Health and Maritime Authority
Overview: Administrative resolution that modifies article 1 of resolution 856 of September 4, 2020, which authorized the reactivation, operation and mobilization of some activities at the national level.
This modification establishes that to avoid the risks of contagion of the communities in the insular areas, the ships will NOT be able to approach any island, nor will they be able to disembark at a destination point of their origin, whether island or mainland. The vessels that arrive at the island marinas or make use of public docks are excepted of this retriction, for delivery of food, supplies and residents, which must comply with all sanitary measures already established.
Full details here: https://yomeinformopma.org/static/dash/docs/decretos/Resolucion_No._863.pdf
Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat
Source of Evidence or Justification: National – other
Evidence/Justification: The maritime authority of Panama, through a written note to the Ministry of Health, requested the modification of said numeral in order to regulate access to the island marinas or public docks, left unregulated in the original resolution.