Type of Intervention: Advisory
Sectors Involved: Education, Health
Level of Jurisdiction: NGO
Lead People/Agency: The policy brief was proposed by the Academy of Sciences of Nicaragua
Overview: COVID-19 in Nicaragua: Priorities to confront the new phase of the pandemic.
A Policy Brief on COVID-19 prepared by a group of 21 scientists and experts from the Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences, IANAS, offers 15 recommendations to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in Nicaragua, a Central American country criticized for not designing or developing measures to confront COVID-19. Among the recommendations mentioned are: strengthening the country’s response to the pandemic, through an in-depth plan, a citizen plan such as self-protection measures, carrying out large-scale tests, health education and transparent communication. In addition, scientists propose special attention to the vulnerable population, the involvement of civil society and non-governmental organizations, and forming working groups to meet specific needs.
Full details here: http://cienciasdenicaragua.org/images/noticias_pdf/Policy-Brief-ACN-2-Octubre-2020.pdf
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Type of Justification: Advice of EXTERNAL expert advisor or advisory committee
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – academic, International – academic
Evidence/Justification: A working group consisting of 21 scientists from the Americas presented a policy brief with technical recommendations to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in Nicaragua