Type of Intervention: Financial and Economic
Sectors Involved: Private Sector and Businesses
Intervention Categories: Reopening offices, businesses, institutions, and operations; Legal and policy
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Health
Overview: Resolution No. 856 of September 4, 2020, which authorizes the reactivation, operation and mobilization of some activities at the national level as of September 7 as part of the strategy “towards the new normal.”
Permitted activities: engineering, architecture and project administration offices; companies located in the special areas of Panama Pacifico, Colon Free Zone and Free Zones, excluding those not jet reactivated; companies providing goods and services linked to private marinas and sport fishing; tailoring, dressmaking and shoe repair stores; cars washer; movers and hauling.
Said activities must operate in their regular hours, except on the day of total quarantine, apply sanitary protocols and employers must provide employees with all the necessary biosafety implements for their protection.
Full details here: https://yomeinformopma.org/static/dash/docs/decretos/Resolucion_No._856.pdf
Other links: 1
Type of Justification: No justification given