03 August 2020 – Disinfection of six public markets in Goma

Type of Intervention: Specific Action
Sectors Involved: Health, Local Government
Intervention Categories: Environmental measures
Level of Jurisdiction: Provincial
Lead People/Agency: The town hall of Goma, has been engaged for almost a week in the disinfection of the six public markets of this city, capital of North Kivu to fight against Covid 19, with the support of the International Association of French-speaking Mayors

Overview: The town hall of Goma, has been engaged for almost a week in the disinfection of the six public markets in this city, capital of North Kivu to fight against Covid 19, with the support of the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF).
Full details here: http://www.faapa.info/blog/nord-kivu-desinfection-de-six-marches-publics-de-goma-pour-lutter-contre-covid-19/

Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat