Type of Intervention: Advisory, Executive Order, Regulation
Sectors Involved: Health, Local Government, Private Sector and Businesses
Level of Jurisdiction: NV
Lead People/Agency: Governor Steve Sisolak
Overview: COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Directive 018 strongly encourages “vulnerable persons” (individuals who are 65 and older, have chronic lung diseases or asthma, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised, pregnant) to stay at home to the greatest extent possible. Section 2 of Directive 010 is amended to allow Nevadans to leave their houses, but strongly encourages them to stay home as much as possible begining May 9th. Those who have tested posotive for COVID-19 must self quarantine for a minimum of two weeks. All businesses must comply with COVID-19 saftey measures including practicing strict social distancing and providing saftey measures for employees and guest such as face masks and handsanitizer stations. Effective May 9th, retail sales businesses are allowed to sell in store at a 50% maximum capacity and drive in theaters are allowed to reopen for operation following social distancing guidlines. Section 3 of Directive 013 is rescinded begining May 9th under this directive, allowing for showrooms to reopen on a limited basis and 50% capacity. Section 7 of Directive 013 is also recinded begining May 9th, allowing beauty services to reopen with installed COVID-19 saftey percuations. Section 3 of Directive 003 is amended to allow establishments that sell food to continue onsite dining under strict COVID-19 saftey regualtions. Places that are not licensed to sell food like breweries, are allowed to offer curbsidw delivery and home deleivery. A few non-essetnial busisness such as nightclubs and brothels must remain closed during Phase One of the Nevada United: Roadmap to Recovery plan. Nevada State Parks are allowed to reopen for day use to the public, practicing COVID-19 saftey guidlines. Cannabis stores are allowed to begin in-store sales on May 9th.
Full details here: http://gov.nv.gov/News/Emergency_Orders/2020/2020-05-07_-_COVID-19_Declaration_of_Emergency_Directive_018_-_Phase_One_Reopening_(Attachments)/
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Advice of EXTERNAL expert advisor or advisory committee, Learning from other jurisdictions, Perception of an increased threat
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation
Evidence/Justification: “The Nevada United: Road
map to Recovery plan set forth a collaborative partnership between state and local governments that included the formation of the Local Empowerment Advisory Panel (“LEAP”) to serve as a resource to local governments and local communities”