This item is sourced from the CCCSL: CSH Covid-19 Control Strategies List co-ordinated by the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria. We are in the process of gathering further information and aligning taxonomies for these items.
Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; Enforcement actions
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Overview: The Prime Minister also referred to the decision to generalize teleworking to all civil servants who may be in this situation and advised “strongly the use of telephone or online services”, asking all citizens with unresolved issues to make use of these. forms of contact. António Costa underlined that the set of measures enacted “will be supervised by security forces that will act in two dimensions: repressive, closing establishments or stopping activities that are prohibited from being carried out, proceeding with the participation of crimes of disobedience for violation of prophylactic isolation, and with the duty of referral to the home of anyone who violates the obligation of prophylactic isolation
Full details here: